Sunday, December 31, 2006


Hi dost,

I feel that I am flowing directionless in a flood.From my chidhood onwards I started thinking abt life, ambitions, decisions etc.But I never had one.I should do something in my short life.I don't wish to be remembered even after my death.But I want to do something worthy in my life.

Everything around me supports me-nature,my family,my friends my teachers and all my fellowbeings.But I am not giving back anything in return.Simply wasting my limited days...and looting the resources around me.Dost, don't think I hate working hard.But I am directionless.I am confused when I think abt the aim in my life.What should be my life for?

I don't believe in destiny .'Our deeds decide our destiny'.I always felt unhappy as I know I am not passionate about anything.When I came to the college I got my guru who is passionate about passion.Really I can feel that thing-'prick of conscience'.But I don't know the way to come out of this darkness.It is not because I never thought abt it.I spent most of the time in my life to think about it.But I never took a decision.

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