Sunday, April 20, 2008


Part 13-Who Speaks For Earth?
Since time immemorial our ancestors started thinking about life and death...blessing and curse...They nourished a passion for intelligence.From that they developed tools to survive,prosper and to search other civilizations.

This passion helped them to develop nuclear weapons.But after a nuclear war there will be no more big more more voyages to more song from the earth..

In 'Who speaks For Earth',Carl Sagan points out the threats posed by nuclear weapons."Every thinking person knows about nuclear war and its effects.Every technological naton plans it.Everyone knows about its madness.But every country has an excuse",he says.

Every year a trillion dollar is spend for wars.Nuclear weapons speak for natons.Who speaks for earth?Who speaks for human species?

The documentary visualises the flourish of human civilization-the story of Greeks,Romans,Alexandria and the fate of the great library in Alexandria.History is full of people who feared ignorance.The lust for knowledge and power decided the destiny of civilizations.

To instill the awefulness of of the destruction due to wars,the beginning of the universe is explained.The clouds of Hydrogen gas formed due to the Big Bang formed the galaxies.The ash formed by the fusion of Hydrogen became the raw material for life.Life evolved gradually..

We are creatures of 'cosmos ' who are curious about our origin and relation with the universe.There may be different civilizations.But we are one species.

'The sacred truth of science is that there is no sacred truth' Science is the best tool to explore the cosmos.'Who speaks for Earth' underlines that our duty is to wonder about the cosmos..not to fight eachother.
The documentary is written by Carl Sagan,Aan Druyan and Steven Soter.The series is directed by Adrian Malone.

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