Tuesday, May 27, 2008


'Somethings are best left unsaid'.But in Swashank Redemption, Frank Darabont says such things with a matchless perfection.The film is an adaptation of a Stephen King novella.

The film finely carves the life of institutionalized prisoners in the minds of viewers.

Andy Dufresne,the main character is an innocent banker convicted for murdering his wife and her lover.
Red,an Irish prisoner narrates the life in Shawashank State Prison.Red is known in Shwashank as a man who knows to get things.

In the film Red tells about Andy Dufresne,his icy character and his prison life in Shawshank.."He looked as if a sniff breeze would blow him over.That was my first impression of that man",Red recollects.

Red gives a clear picture of the terrible experiences that a prisoner goes through."The first night is the toughest.No doubt about it.They march you naked as the day you were born,skin burning and half blind from that delousing shit",he says.Shawshank also gives a thumb-nail sketch of homosexuality in prison life.

Andy welcomed his misfortune with a meaningful silence.Red and others were sure that Andy would open his mouth to somebody within two weeks.Red became surprised when that somebody turned out to be him.In the first conversation Andy told Red that he needed a rock hammer.

In 1949 Andy asked Red to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison.Since then he hanged girlies on the wall.
Later Andy became an unusual pet for the prison authorities.He used his comprehensive knowledge in banking to channel the river of dirty money for the jail authorities,especially for the warden Samuel Norton.

Red recollects Andy's words about the 'silent' silent partner whom he made up to save Norton's money.. One Randall Stevens from the air with an ID card,driving liscense and security card.
"The funny thing is that outside I was an honest man,straight as an arrow.I had came to the prison to be a crook",Andy told Red.

Through the film Darabont tells about institutionalization in a touching way.He does this through Haywood's character.Authorities released Haywood after a 50 year jail-life in Shawshank.Unable to adjust with the outside world,he commits suicide.

"These walls are funny.First you hate them.Then you get used to them.Enough time passes.So you depend on them",Red says.

Andy discussed his dream about a free life in Zihuataneijo,an island in the Pacific which is free from memories.Red warned his friend that hope is a dangerous thing which will make man insane.

In 1966 the day after the discussion with Red,Andy escaped from Swashank.Rita was hiding Andy's secret.The jail autorities got confused at the disappearence of the man from the cell.With a rock hammer that would need 600 years for a man to make a tunnel to the outside world,Andy made a tunnel and crawled to freedom with less than 20 years.

Red says that in prison a man will do almost anything to keep his mind occupied.Andy built a good library in the jail,carved stones using rock hammer,hang girlies on the wall,trained Tommy Williams for the exams,did free bank work for jail authorities..But his favourite pass time was digging his tunnel of freedom.

Later Red is released from the jail.Then he goes through the real torture that an institutionalized prisoner faces in the outside world.It was even difficult for him to piss without permission.Sleepless nights and a deep haunting fear waited for him.Red also decides to die at the same place where Heywood committed suicide.

But Red couldnot leave his life without going to the Hayfield near Buxon.It was a promise to Andy at their last meeting.There he finds a letter from his friend and some money."Remember Red,hope is a good thing and may be the best of things.and no good thing ever dies",Andy wrote .He informed Red that he was waiting at his dreamland for a man who knows to get things.

Andy passes 'hope' to Red also.Red decides to 'get a busy living or a busy dying'.His decision to lick the juice of freedom to the lees instills a passion for life in the minds of viewers .
'Shawshank Redemption' is presented by Castle Rock Entertainment.Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman play the lead roles brilliantly.